Pipe Systems

Displacement pipe, type VR ø 100 mm - 2000 mm
MSL displacement pipes made of steel strips are very good bearing bodies which have been checked for stability. Plate thickness as well as form, height and number of beads are decisive factors for stability. MSL produces 50 different diameters from 0.1 to 2 meters and can thereby supply almost all dimensions required in the construction industry as a folded spiral tube. Our company has been manufacturing displacement pipes for a wide range of applications in Germany, Europe as well as overseas since the early 1960s.
An MSL displacement pipe 1.8 meters in diameter was supplied as casing for a ventilation shaft for a unnel construction site. A very large area of application is the area of bridge engineering. Here several thousand meters were produced in different diameters for many bridge projects in Germany, Austria, France and Africa.
By using connector joints, any extruded lengths can be created on site. To ensure buoyancy, single or dual point anchors can be supplied depending on the need. Distance brackets are offered for leveling and distancing of the displacement pipes according to the pipe diameters and the height dimensions required by the statical engineer. Instead of an end cover, a conical end lock can be attached to the pipe which guarantees better laying of the prestressing elements at the end of the displacement pipe.
We are happy to provide you with further information on the topic of displacement pipes in bridge construction such as the anchoring system and assembly instructions. MSLdisplacement pipes are generally manufactured from Sendzimier-galvanized plates in individual lengths of 6 to 10 meters.