Pipe Systems

Spiral casement tubing type SR
MSL casement tubing is available as a spiral version. The casement tubing is made from steel plate and wound in a spiral shape with a special seam into a watertight, leakproof, smooth pipe casing.
If desired, a weakening line (grain) can be rolled in parallel to the fold. Once the concrete has set, this grain enables the casement tubing to be easily separated from the concrete structure, making stripping significantly easier than it would be with conventional tubing made from steel plate.
Benefits of MSL casement tubing
- Ready to install, light
- stable leak proofing
- Non-absorbent, can be stored outdoors, even during rain
- All delivery lengths available within permissible transport dimensions
- Easy to strip with thanks to special fold
- Tension clamp with three eyelets in split design for casing adjustment
- Prop and mushroom heads made from steel plate
- Connecting sleeve to connect individual pipe lengths